Dubai Customs is committed to providing quality services that meets the needs and expectations of its clients.
Dubai Customs recognizes the right of its clients to complain and indeed welcomes complaints as a valuable form of feedback and input to improving its services.
This policy outlines Dubai Customs’ top management commitment to managing complaints effectively, efficiently, expeditiously and fairly through a complaint system that is easy to access, speedy, confidential, informative, simple, fair, effective, monitored and audited, complaints shall be handled and closed within 7 business days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
The system will be supported by highly trained staff and detailed procedures designed according to ISO10002:2004 and Dubai Government Unified Complaints System requirements, while constantly seeking to meet global best practices.
Now you can lodge your complaint via:
- Complaint website: (This will open external link in new window)
- Email:
- Call Center (free): +9714 80080080
- Complaint boxes available at service centers
- Dubai Customs, P.O Box 63, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Physical visit to Dubai Customs building, or its centers