Personal Effects and Used Household Items
The personal effects and used household items brought into the country by the nationals residing abroad and foreigners coming for the first time for residence in the country shall be exempted from customs duty.
The following categories shall benefit from such exemption:
- Nationals residing abroad upon their final return to reside in the country.
- Foreigners coming for the first time for residence in the country.
The exemption shall be subject to the following conditions and controls:
- The personal effects and household items must be used items.
- Presenting proof of residence abroad for nationals.
- Presenting poof of work and residence in the country for foreigners.
- The personal effects and household items must be brought into the country in the name of the concerned national residing abroad.
- The personal effects and household items must be brought into the country in the name of the foreigner intending to reside in the country.
- The personal effects and household items must be in quantities appropriate to furnishing a house.
- The exemption requester shall submit a packing list showing the full contents.
New personal effects and household items shall not be exempted and their corresponding customs duty shall be duly levied. For more information, please refer to Customs Policy No. DCP8.