سهولة الوصول

فئة أصحاب الهمم جزء لا يتجزأ من منظومة العمل في جمارك دبي، بل والمجتمع بأكمله، واعتمدت الدائرة في خطتها الاستراتيجية تمكين أصحاب الهمم في كل المجالات، وجعلهم جزء مُكمل للكادر البشري بالدائرة، وتوفير كافة الاحتياجات والوسائل التي تتيح لهم فرصة خدمة المجتمع والوطن، من خلال بيئة عمل مناسبة للاندماج. ويوفر موقع جمارك دبي أحدث الأدوات لتسهيل الوصول لفئة أصحاب الهمم

تغيير حجم النص:

استخدم الأزرار أدناه لزيادة أو تقليل حجم النص:

تغيير اللون:

انقر على أيقونة لتغيير اللون.

Contrast Button

قراءة النص:

استمع إلى محتوى الصفحة من خلال النقر على تشغيل قراءة مكبر الصوت.

Sound Button

مفاتيح الاختصار:

  • خدمات للأعمال:

    Alt + B
  • خدمات للأفراد:

    Alt + I
  • للحصول على قائمة:

    Alt + M
  • للإشارة المرجعية:

    Ctrl + D
Duty Payable on Excess Quantity/Value for Travellers

​​​​​​​​All passengers’ goods are subject to the following procedures:


Excess Quantity and Value

  1. In case of failure to pay Customs charges, any excess quantities shall be confiscated for thirty days under an confiscation receipt. The concerned passenger reserves the right to submit an extension plea for thirty or sixty days, subject to the approval of the Customs center Manager or delegate thereof.
  2. Once the confiscation period (30 or 60 days) is expired, the confiscated goods shall be disposed of by sale through public auction, and shall be handled in accordance with internal rules of procedure.

Cash Declaration

All passengers arriving in the UAE must declare any cash or travellers’ cheques in their possession that exceed in value AED 100,000 or its equivalent in other currencies; by filling the declaration form designed for this purpose as applicable in the country. Passengers under 18 years of age shall not be allowed to import money exceeding the above said limit, and the amount in possession thereof shall be added to their guardian`s permitted limit if accompanied by one.


Personal Use Medicines

Passengers (resident and non-resident) are allowed to bring in medications for personal use sufficient for a period of no more than three months. The original signed prescription with the patient’s details (medical case description), issued by a hospital or an accredited physician, and authenticated by the UAE embassies abroad, must be presented. All medicines must be in their original packages with date of expiry clearly stated. No neuropathic and/or psychiatric medications shall be allowed into the country, even if for personal use, or in small quantities and with the proper prescription presented; without the authorization of the Ministry of Health that can be obtained at: www.moh.gov.ae. Any unauthorised medications shall be confiscated by law.


Pets and Domestic Animals

Importation of pets or domestic animals such as cats and dogs is subject to an import preauthorization from the Ministry of Environment and Water. In addition, a special e-application has to be filled at: www.moew.gov.ae.


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